We have reached 250 fans on facebook, which means it is contest time. And since we are about 3 weeks away from the launch of our Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Collection, we have decided to make that the theme of the contest. Plus we are giving you a little sneak peek at the colors in the collection.
Eyeshadow Colors 1-6
Bella Cullen
Bella Swan
So here is how the contest is going to work:
- The top picture shows the swatches of the 6 Breaking Dawn themed eyeshadow colors.
- Below that is a list of the characters who inspired the eyeshadow colors in no particular order.
- What you must do is decide which color you think goes with which character.
- In a comment you will list your first and last name, then the numbers 1-6 and beside each number, list the name of the character that you think goes with that character.
- The person who gets the highest number right wins.
- If there is more than one person with the highest amount, we will draw a random name from those with the highest amount.
- You must like our facebook page and subscribe to our blog in order to win.
You have until Sunday July 17, 2011 at 8:00PM Arizona time to enter. Only one entry per person
Ok, So what am I going to win?
The winner of the contest is going to get the entire sample size set of the Breaking Dawn themed eyeshadow collection, plus one full size of our amazing Breaking Dawn themed All-over Dusting Powder.
Check out the picture and start thinking about which color you think reflects which characters. Have fun.